May 11, 2010

The 1st Day of the last days

APRIL 16, 2008
The 1st Day of the last days
Month-hazy, can't remember, Year-Late 2005

Monday- The day started like any other, I was out in the streets clubbing way too late, In the bed by six and up at eight. I started my usual routine, stumble into the kitchen to put on my cup of coffee, wash my face, look in the mirror and promise myself and God that today I will make a change. On automatic pilot I got dressed. As I walk out the door I take one last look at myself in the mirror with disgust and proclaim my mantra "Well, this is the best I can do today".

Work is the same as usual, I struggle through and I'm back home around 9:00 pm. I have a urgent message from Marie "Call me Morrow's been arrested" What! I frantically call her back, "What happened" I say, although I know full well that Morrow's short lived career as a Drug King of Chelsea had caught up to him. I've known Morrow and Marie since college. We were best friends. We were kids brimming with talent and ambition, Could it be that was 12 years ago when we met? So much has hap pend since we all moved to the Big City, The kids we were had gone and our lives had changed so much. Talented was not an adequate description of Morrow and Marie. They were and still are supremely gifted. Marie was born with the face of a goddess. Liquid green eyes, light Carmel skin, and a think mane of golden brown hair. A carbon copy of a young Vanessa Williams. Although Marie was a bigger girl she carried herself like she was as thin as our favorite supermodels. Marie was also born with a voice that was beyond belief. She entered OCU on a full scholarship with living expenses. (Unheard of at a school that boasted future, Tony Award winners, Miss America's, and Grammy recipients.) Although it was clear at the time Marie could care less about singing. She rarely did a show, and seemed unsure of her talent. She spent most of her time at college with our other friend also named Marie, they called themselves the "ladies of leisure" I was enthralled with them.

Marie #2 was the exact opposite of Marie #1. Long Blond hair, blue eyes and breasts that would make Dolly Parton hang her head in shame. Marie #2 had recently lost 80 pounds and was enjoying her new body. A born actress she was the lead in every play. Part Bette Midler, Bette Davis, and Marilyn Monroe all rolled up into one very fabulous girl. Marie "2 was my first friend at college through her I met Marie #1. Soon we were inseparable and along with Morrow we became family. Marie #2 moved to New York first, I originally lived with her in New York and our friendship was never the same, but that's another story.

Morrow was Tall and Handsome, Full mane of thick Black Hair with Sea Blue green eyes (A male Snow White) and oh yes, full of himself. Morrow had come from a privileged background, extremely wealthy parents, and a voice that seemed to come directly from God. Morrow was talented and he knew it. I was immediately impressed with his confidence upon our first meeting. I was looking for new recruits for my frat KA, Of course we had a list of potential pledges and Morrow was at the top of the list because of his looks and wealth. "Hi I'm Michael from Kappa Alpha Order, May I help you move into your dorm room and show you around campus? Morrow turned on his heel glared at me and spat ''Look honey, I know what you are up to but I'm Gay! Still want to invite me into your fraternity!" I was speechless, "Didn't think so" he sputtered, Then he got closer and looked me in the eyes and said "And so are you!' I was dumbfounded. Who did he think he was "No I'm not! I just want to welcome you to OCU and I'm here to help you move in" How could I not? I didn't want it to look like I was walking away because he was gay although I wanted to move on to the next victim for the Brotherhood. As it turned out I had just met my best friend and a "real brother" for life even if I didn't know it.

Morrow and I lost touch after college, I moved to New York and unbeknownst to me so had Morrow. My first year in New York I was eating at the Fashion Cafe with my "SuperModel" friend Renee. "Oh my stars and Garters Michael Berry", I look up and see Morrow's Cheshire grin and open arms. We hug and catch up, Some friendships are just meant to be. We proceeded to hang out every day, drinking and soaking in the city. One time I remember smoking weed with Morrow, We ordered Pizza, While we were waiting for the Pizza we went downstairs to the Chinese restaurant ate Steamed Dumplings, Egg Rolls, and Spareribs, then it was back up to the apartment to finish off the pizza. "What do you want to do tonight" I asked , "Let's go to the Tunnel and crash Brandy's CD release party "Sure I said, We were full of confidence. Now of course we could'nt just waltz into a private CD release party of a platinum selling artist, Or could we? We did! We waltzed right up to the Velvet Ropes and used our boss Tracy Jordan's name and were in. (Tracy used to be a VP at MTV, she created "Yo MTV Raps") We were so high we forgot why we were there! When we saw the buffet! Shrimp Cocktail, Sushi, Caviar, mushrooms, every kind of food you could imagine. Remember we had the munchies. Then we saw it "Open Bar!, We got so plastered that we found rolling chairs and rolled them up and down the banquet table eating and drinking everything in sight. We must have looked a mess but we laughed, ate and drank our asses off. This was before our cocaine use and later Morrow's Crystal Meth addiction. This was when drugs were fun. Little did we know it was the beginning of the end.

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